Initial reaction to Redford. Not well known movies. I applaud you dusting these off. For a guy that knows Redford's career pretty well - I must admit I have never seen these two. And for a movie to have Redford, Brando and the impeccable Angie Dickinson - well - in my horrible Texas drawl - well shoot Saammiiie - how in tarnation did I miss this one? Love Angie. Another off the cuff Redford is Brubaker - great prison movie with breakout performance by Morgan Freeman, Yaphet Kotto, and Jane Alexander. Interested also in your comment about almost admiring the bad guy. Great example of that is Al Pacino pursuing Robert De Niro in HEAT! Redford on a horse - obviously Butch C and the Electric Horseman. I get your emotional reaction. Favorite Redford movies are All the Presidents Men. And of course The Natural - Someday when you are walking down the street - I hope you hear a passerby saying - "There goes Sammie Purcell - the best there ever was"

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Oops! I apologize, it was Faye Dunaway. Oh well, still liked the movie.

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Upon some reflection; the Redford/Dickinson movie I really enjoyed was Three Days of the Condor. I think she might have fallen to the Stockholm Syndrome rather quickly while you might suggest I’m not giving the Redford Effect enough credit.

Anyway Sammie as always thanks for this substack

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There you go again Sammie, two more never watched movies to add to my growing list! Thanks. As always wonderfully presented

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