Sorcerer: I had to dig pretty deep for this one, but I remember seeing the original Wages of Fear on tv as a kid - small screen, black and white, and it still made my hair stand on end. So can't wait to see how Freidkin handled it. But first The Green Knight.

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Hi, Sammie. What an interesting theme to explore. It's one of the go-to motifs for suspense films, but you point out that "get out" actually can be nuanced in many different ways. As I was reading, I was reminded of a movie some friends and I went to see as seniors in college. It was called When A Stranger Calls. No nuances here. Not an extraordinary film, but did it ever succeed with us as a "get out" psycho-thriller!

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Thanks Sammie. Sounds a bit scary, but I suppose that’s the whole point and the fun in them.

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